Monday, May 09, 2005

Jennifer Lopez - Monster in Law

Jennifer Lopez is simply superb in her latest movie - Monster in Law.

Michael Vartan admits he didn’t sleep the night before his first day on the set of Monster-In-Law.

In this romantic comedy, Vartan plays Jennifer Lopez’s love interest and Jane Fonda’s son.

“Jennifer had had casting approval and she cast me, so that was in my favour, and I was pretty certain Jane Fonda didn’t even know who I was,” says the star of TV’s Alias.

“I wasn’t worried about me. I was worried they wouldn’t get along. They are two incredibly famous divas, so the odds were in favour of tension.”

Vartan, 36, says there was never a sign of rivalry or unrest.

“They were getting along famously, but instantly sensed how nervous I was and went out of their way to be nice to me and welcome me into the fold.”

Though he’d been acting for 11 years, Vartan’s first big film break came with 1999’s Never Been Kissed, where he played the school teacher with whom journalist Drew Barrymore falls in love.

“My doctor role in Monster-In-Law is the same guy, just six years later. I’ve really progressed in this film career thing.”

During his interviews for Never Been Kissed, Vartan felt he might not have a career in acting.

“I meant what I said. I wasn’t getting any film offers, but then Alias came along and changed all that.”

Vartan was raised in France by his father, but visited his mother who lived in L.A. each summer.

“When I was 18 she offered to pay for acting classes for me. It was never a career I’d considered, but it was better than having to find a job.”


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